how to do pcolor plots?

2 views (last 30 days)
Lilya on 8 Oct 2018
Commented: Lilya on 9 Oct 2018
Hi all,
I've attached an example of the plot that I want to make it. it shows on x-axis = depth y-axis = time z-axis = temperature. the mother matrices have the same dimensions (251*28*10) I need also to extract the 5th column from all of it (251*5*10) the result previous matrix what I want to plot if with pcolor
any help will be appreciated :(
jonas on 8 Oct 2018
+1, you'll have to provide some data and tell us what that data represents. Normally you see data sets with scattered x-y-z-data, but here you've got some 3D-matrix, 10 layers deep.
Lilya on 9 Oct 2018
thank you so much for the responses.

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 9 Oct 2018
A = rand(251,28,10) ; % some dummy data for demo
[m,n,p] = size(A) ;
% Extract 5th column from each matrix
iwant = zeros(m,1,p) ;
for i = 1:p
iwant(:,:,i) = A(:,5,i) ;
iwant = squeeze(iwant) ;
pcolor(iwant) ;
shading interp ;

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