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Parameter Estimation for Differential Equation according to data measured

2 views (last 30 days)
Thanks in advance to all supporters, this is the first time a ask a question - that's because there are answers to most of the problems i had.
After reviewing the proposed solution :
  • i tried to apply "Star Strider" ‘Igor_Moura’ function to another ode problem i have but get Error "using lsqcurvefit"
  • i did a modification to your code to solve the eq:
  • A,B,C are parameters i look for ([A B C] inside the code are theta(1:3). [y,y'] are c(1:2), dcdt(2) is [y''] and x is t)
function C=kinetics(theta,t)
c0=[293;0]; %initial condition
function dC=DifEq(t,c)
global t c
load('t.mat'); t=t*1000;
theta0=[1;1;1]; % initial guess
fprintf(1,'\tRate Constants:\n')
for k1 = 1:length(theta)
fprintf(1, '\t\tTheta(%d) = %8.5f\n', k1, theta(k1))
  • unfortunately, I encounter a problem of dimensions :
Error using lsqcurvefit (line 248)
Function value and YDATA sizes are not equal.
  • at line 199 :
  • initVals.F get the size :
  • so at line 248 :
  • i got the err because YDATA length is 18896X1 so their sizes are not equal.
any idea?? thanks Netanel

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 11 Oct 2018
Edited: Star Strider on 11 Oct 2018
I will now delete your Comment from the other post.
I found the problem, and your code now works. Your ‘kinetics’ function should be:
function C=kinetics(theta,t)
c0=[0;293]; %initial condition
function dC=DifEq(t,c)
Your parameters are very difficult to estimate. After failing to get a good fit with lsqcurvefit, I decided to let ga (Genetic Algorithm) estimate them. That has now been going for 11 hours, and does not appear close to converging.
EDIT (11 Oct 2018 at 20:16)
The best parameters I can estimate (unconstrained genetic algorithm) are:
Rate Constants:
Theta(1) = 98063.79853
Theta(2) = 99458.01337
Theta(3) = 97298.39633
They do not come close to approximating your data, and have a residual norm of 1543.5.
I suspect that your model is not appropriate to your data.
Netanel shachak
Netanel shachak on 12 Oct 2018
Thanks Professor!
Strange though.
i got different theta (same code above):
Rate Constants:
Theta(1) = 15.53345
Theta(2) = -15.55330
Theta(3) = 198.99352
it looks not bad:
but i do not understand basic things:
as i know - ode45 returns:
while The first column of Cv corresponds to c(1) means y(x) from the original equation , and the second column to c(2) means y'(x). if so - why you correct the code :
that's means the function "kinetics" returns the first derivative of y?
the same confusion with the initial condition: you correct to :
c0=[0;293]; %initial condition
while i thought that c0(1) is y(0) and c0(2) is y'(0). my initial condition (as you can see at the plot) is nearly y(0)=293;
i expect to : c0=[293;0]
last thing: the homogeneous equetion is:
i insert a step input f(t) to my system above (real experiment-measuring temperature using Hot-Wire technic, that's why the initial y(0) is 293 Kelvin (room temperature) and i insert my prob to environment with 355 Kelvin:
f(t)=355; means y(x--->inf)=355 you can see that the result at the plot agree with that BUT the coefficient theta(3) which is corresponds to my f(t) is fount to be
Theta(3) = 198.99352
any idea?
Thank you very much for your willingness to help
Star Strider
Star Strider on 12 Oct 2018
As always, my pleasure!
‘... that's means the function "kinetics" returns the first derivative of y?’
No. It is returning the integrated solution for ‘y’. The first derivative would be ‘Cv(:,1)’.
‘... while i thought that c0(1) is y(0) and c0(2) is y'(0).’
You simply have them reversed.
‘... any idea?’
Unfortunately, no. (If I think of something, I will post back here.)

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