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how to suppress max value of b component

2 views (last 30 days)
For fire detection algorithm for class A flames I need to apply rules on the red R, green G, and blue B component on each pixel of the frame acquired, but before that I need to suppress the maximum values (255) of the blue component image so that the flame will not be captured as a source of bright light.

Accepted Answer

TADA on 10 Nov 2018
Edited: TADA on 10 Nov 2018
You can find those pixels you want to ignore first then analyze the rest
ignoreBrightnessFactor = 255;
mask = B < ignoreBrightnessFactor;
% do calculations on relevant pixels
doSomething(R(mask), G(mask), B(mask));
Sarmad Paracha
Sarmad Paracha on 10 Nov 2018
so how can i apply this now on the orignal image which should show image with suppressed b channel.
TADA on 10 Nov 2018
If you want to simply change the blue value of those pixels you can do
%use the factor variable from above
B(B >= ignoreBrightnessFactor) = 0;
Or if you want to remove them altogether:
%use the mask vector from above
R1 = R(mask);
B1 = B(mask);
G1 = G(mask);

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Nov 2018
Sarmad Paracha
Sarmad Paracha on 10 Nov 2018
so how can i apply this now on the orignal image which should show image with suppressed b channel.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Nov 2018
YourImage(:, :, YourImage(:,:,3) == 255) = 0;

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