Accumulate rain events with determined dry period

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I have a rain time series with 15 minutes between data:
yyyy mm dd hh mm ss rain
2010 1 1 0 0 0 0.2
2010 1 1 0 15 0 0.4
2010 1 1 0 30 0 0
And I need to accumulate every rain value restarting the sum every time the station had at least 24 hours without rain, getting a matrix with start and end dates of each rain event and the accumulated rain during the period:
start_rain end_rain accumulated_rain
2010-1-1-0:0:0 2010-1-4-0:0:0 12
2010-1-7-0:0:0 2010-1-13-0:0:0 23
The date format above is only for exampe, could be in datenum
Any suggestions about how can I do this on MatLab?
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 20 Nov 2018
Please attach small example your data as mat-file.
Danilo M
Danilo M on 21 Nov 2018
Here is an small example of rain data. The rain data is on 7th row.

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Answers (1)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 21 Nov 2018
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 21 Nov 2018
TT = timetable('RowTimes',datetime(example(:,1:6)),example(:,7),'v',{'rain'});
TT1 = retime(TT,'daily','sum');
p = TT1.rain~=0;
p1 = [0;p;0];
Time_interv = TT1.Time([strfind(p1(:)',[0 1]);strfind(p1(:)',[1 0])-1]');
ii = cumsum(diff(p1)==1);
ii = ii(1:end-1).*p + 1;
rain_int = accumarray(ii,TT1.rain);
rain_int = rain_int(2:end);
Rain_out = table(Time_interv,rain_int);
same variant but without timetable
[Date0,~,i0] = unique(example(:,1:3),'rows');
rain_daily = table(datetime(Date0),accumarray(i0,example(:,7)),'v',{'Date','rain'});
p = rain_daily.rain~=0;
p1 = [0;p;0];
Time_interv = rain_daily.Date([strfind(p1(:)',[0 1]);strfind(p1(:)',[1 0])-1]');
ii = cumsum(diff(p1)==1);
ii = ii(1:end-1).*p + 1;
rain_interv = accumarray(ii,rain_daily.rain);
rain_interv = rain_interv(2:end);
Rain_out = table(Time_interv,rain_interv);
  1 Comment
Danilo M
Danilo M on 21 Nov 2018
Thanks Andrei! I could run the code without timetable and did exactly what I need.
I just have two doubts about the code. There's a way to put the hour on Time_interval table? Because I need to calculate rain intensity (mm/hour), so I need to know the exactly interval.
And if I want to change the dry period interval, like 36 or 48 hours without rain, what line I can make it?

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