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Saving results in excel without overwriting

4 views (last 30 days)
I have over 500 images in which i have to find the image attributes like centroid, area and intensity. I am almost successful but i dont know how to save the results in excel file without overwriting the previous results. Any help plz?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Dec 2018
If you call xlswrite(), I believe it will overwrite the data (that is, replace existing cells with new data and add any new ones to blank cells), right?
If you want to replace the whole workbook (not overwrite it), delete it before calling xlswrite().
If you want to add additional data into new worksheets in the workbook, then specify a new worksheet name in the argument list of xlswrite(). Use xlsinfo() to get existing sheet names.

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