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I am getting error when try to codegenerate details of error is given bellow.

2 views (last 30 days)
Component modeling semantics of model 'VS_Support_check' does not support Variants block
I am trying to codegenerate a classmodel with variant subsystem.
can someone tell me why i am getting this error ?
is it because varaint subsystem is not supported in class model ?
I am using matlab 2018b version

Accepted Answer

Tom Harwood
Tom Harwood on 15 Feb 2019
Hello Francis,
The diagnostic you've encountered is a Simulink diagnostic; we've updated the Products accordingly. I'll keep an eye on your question and ping them if they don't pick up.
Best regards,
Tom Harwood
MATLAB Coder Development

More Answers (2)

Tom Harwood
Tom Harwood on 25 Feb 2019
Hello Francis,
I'll ping the relevant Simulink team. Best regards,
Tom Harwood
MATLAB Coder Development

Tom Harwood
Tom Harwood on 26 Feb 2019
Hello Francis,
The Simulink team informed me that variant subsystems are, indeed, not supported by class models.
Best regards,
Tom Harwood
MATLAB Coder Development
  1 Comment
williams francis
williams francis on 27 Feb 2019
Thank You Harwood for the information about variant subsystems.
since variant subsystems are not supported by class model, I would like to know are the variant source and variant sink are supported by class models ?

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