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Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts is produced and mistake in the array

1 view (last 30 days)
I keep getting an error "Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts is produced" which comes about due to the vectorization. To counteract that I selected each element at a time, like so:
SQAmb(i,:) = S*U(i)*(Tout-20)
Also I dont understand is the size of Ts(i) and T(i), these are supposed to come out as arrays in the form 5x5 as I am doing a loop where the temperature is subbed back in 5 times.
I think the problem is that I want to apply the Velocity (V) at each time step, so the ho and U change each time step for each surface (S), essentially what I am trying to do is to multiply the first element of S with the first element in the first column of U, and the second element of S with the first element in the second column of U and so on.
And then for the next loop the first element of S to multiply with the second element of the first column of U, and the second element of S to multiply with the second element in the second column of U and so on, but it seems I have gone wrong somewhere...if that makes any sense?
My script is below:
V = [1;2;3;4;5]
ho = 0.6 + 6.64.*sqrt(V)
k = [1 2 3 4 5]
lamda = [6 7 8 9 10]
hi = 2
x = (1./ho)
y = (1/hi)
z = (lamda./k)
S = [11 12 13 14 15;]
U = x + y + z
SQAmb = zeros(numel(index), numel(S)); %Preallocation of Ambient Load (Surface) matrix
SQAmb_Tot = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of Total Ambient Load (Surface) matrix
QAmb = zeros(numel(index), numel(S)); %Preallocation of Ambient Load (Air) matrix
QAmb_Tot = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of Total Ambient Load (Air) matrix
SQTot = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of Total Surface Heat Load matrix
deltaTs = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of deltaTs matrix
Ts = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of Surface temperature matrix
QTot = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of Total Heat Load matrix
deltaTin = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of deltaTin matrix
Tin = zeros(size(index)); %Preallocation of car cabin temperature matrix
for i=index
if (i)==1
%Ambient Load (Surface), where 20 is the intial temperature at t=0
SQAmb(i,:) = S*U*(Tout-20)
(the first value of this array should be: the first element of S which is (11) * first element of U* temp diff (-15), this should come out to -1095.2865 but does not)
(if vectorization is used i.e. S.*U.*(Tout-20) then an error to do with "Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts is produced")
(and if element is selected one at a time by SQAmb(i,:) = S*U(i)*(Tout-20) , the array that is formed for the Temperature at the end is not a 5x5 array)
%Total Ambient Load (Surface) in Array Form
SQAmb_Tot(i) = sum(SQAmb(i,:))
%Ambient Load (Air), where 20 is the intial air and surface temperatures at t=0
QAmb(i,:) = S*U*(20-20);
%Total Ambient Load (Air) in Array Form
QAmb_Tot(i) = sum(QAmb(i,:))
%Total Surface Heat Transfer Load
SQTot(i) = SQAmb_Tot(i)
%change in surface temperature where deltat is timestep
deltaTs(i) = (SQTot(i)/((ms*cs)+DTM))*(deltat)
%New surface temperature
Ts(i) = 20 + deltaTs(i)
%Total Heat Transfer Load
QTot(i) = QAmb_Tot(i)
%change in air cabin temperature where deltat is timestep
deltaTin(i) = (QTot(i)/((ma*ca)+DTM))*(deltat)
%New car cabin temperature
Tin(i) = 20 + deltaTin(i)
%Ambient Load (Surface)
SQAmb(i,:) = S*U*(Tout-(2*Ts(i-1))+Tin(i-1))
%Total Ambient Load (Surface) in Array Form
SQAmb_Tot(i) = sum(SQAmb(i,:))
%Ambient Load (Air)
QAmb(i,:) = S*U*((Ts(i-1))-Tin(i-1))
%Total Ambient Load (Air) in Array Form
QAmb_Tot(i) = sum(QAmb(i,:))
%Total Surface Heat Transfer Load
SQTot(i) = SQAmb_Tot(i)
%change in surface temperature where deltat is timestep
deltaTs(i) = (SQTot(i)/((ms*cs)+DTM))*(deltat)
%New surface temperature
Ts(i) = Ts(i-1) + deltaTs(i)
%Total Heat Transfer Load
QTot(i) = QAmb_Tot(i)
%change in air cabin temperature where deltat is timestep
deltaTin(i) = (QTot(i)/((ma*ca)+DTM))*(deltat)
%New car cabin temperature
Tin(i) = Tin(i-1)+deltaTin(i)

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