Flow of information in callback functions

1 view (last 30 days)
DB on 16 Mar 2019
Commented: Rik on 16 Mar 2019
I am using a 3rd party optimization solver which comes with examples and I am trying to understand it. An example in it uses callback functions in these formats.
% The callback functions.
funcs.f1 = @(x) x(1)*x(4)*sum(x(1:3)) + x(3);
funcs.f2 = @f2;
funcs.f3 = @() sparse(ones(2,4));
function g = f2 (x)
g=f(x)% g is some function of x
And it is run as
[x] = solver(x0,funcs);
where x is the output vector of variables.
I am having trouble understanding the difference between flow of information in the 3 formats of the callback functions in the funcs struct.
1. In the funcs.f1, @(x) tells that it is a function with x as variables, right?
2. What does @f2 in funcs.f2 mean? Is the output g of the function f2 being passed in this format to funcs.f2?
3. And does @() in funcs.f3 mean that it is not the function of variable x and hence the input argument to @() is blank?
I would appreciate if someone would help.

Accepted Answer

Rik on 16 Mar 2019
You can find some more information in the documentation.
The @ creates a function handle. There are two options here: an anonymous function, or a normal function handle.
The f1 statement creates an anonymous function with a single input. Any time you call it, it will run as if the x is replaced by your input variable, and all other variables are the same as before.
f1=@(x) x+n;
f1(v)%returns 0 because it uses the old value of n
The f2 statement creates a function handle. When you run it, Matlab will look for that function on the search path. You can use it in functions like accumarray where you need to input a function handle (or you could even use it to shorten function names).
f2([1 2 3])%returns 2, same as mean([1 2 3]) would
The f3 statement creates an anonymous function without an input. Like any function this can have any number of output arguments.
f3=@() disp('next round..')
for n=1:3
Hope this helps.
DB on 16 Mar 2019
Thanks, it clarifies a lot.
Rik on 16 Mar 2019
Your welcome. If my answer helped you, please consider marking it as accepted answer.

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