Is it possible to obtain polynomial function (equation) or curve fit function from saved (plotted) dataset array?

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First of all, sorry if this question might sound simple and silly. This is my first attempt to involve this comunity. I'm new with Matlab, hence I appriciate a lot if someone able to guide me on this. Thank you.
As mentioned above, I have a set of data in array (voltage, time) from a simulink simulation. The data been log from a scope. I try to look into almost similar question of mine in this forum, however most of the answers provided are not for dataset array input. I try to use the suggested method with array type data and obviously its will be error. Here some on my code to give a brief idea on what I'm working on.
%% 1. For Volatge Measurement
n = 0;
MinRint = 0.00889;
figure('Name','Data Plot of Change of Internal Resistance over Voltage Measurement');
for n=1:30
filename = sprintf('dataCRLS_IntRes_%d.mat',n);
load(filename, 'data');
txt = [sprintf('%.5f Ohm',MinRint)];
plot(data(:,1), 'DisplayName',txt); % Here is my voltage data stored
title('Line Plot of Voltage and Discharge Time of Different Internal Resistance');
xlabel('Time (seconds)') ;
ylabel('Voltage (V)') ;
%% Here is my attempt to obtain the polynomial function.
p = polyfit(data(:,1));
hold on
MinRint = MinRint + IntResSamp;
Syafiq Anwar
Syafiq Anwar on 30 Mar 2019
Edited: Syafiq Anwar on 30 Mar 2019
Here is the attachment per request Sir. Inside the file contains:
  • a - 3513x5 double type
  • crls - 1x1 dataset
  • data - 4501x5 double type
  • sample_IntRes - 30x1 double type
there is 5 column. The first one is voltage, current, power, SOC and temperature respectively.
Thank you.

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