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Write cell array with multiple elements in the cell to Excel File

13 views (last 30 days)
Is there a way to write a cell array in which somes cells contain more than one element (vector of numbers) into an excel or cvs file?
I have a cell array that contains a column in which the cells contains vectors of 1-3 numbers, when I tried to use xlswrite it only wrote the cells that contained one element and skipped over the cells which contained more than one element.
Is there another function that I can use instead, or can I do something to structure my data differently so that I can use the xlswrite function?
I have attached my data, so you can see what I mean.

Answers (2)

Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 10 Apr 2019
xlswrite is not going to write multiple contents of a single cell because an Excel cell can only contain one piece of information at a time, so xlswrite is not sure which bit of data you want in that particular cell, and decides to not write any.
Your best bet would be to reorganize your data. Unfortunately, I am unable to look directly at your data (it's on my end, not yours), but from what you described it should be possible to put all of your data into a 2D array. I have given a method here that isn't the most efficient, but I don't know how to vectorize it off the top of my head. Others are free to comment with better ideas.
data = {};% Your cells with data
nums = NaN(size(data,1),3);
for i = 1:size(data,1);
nums(i,:) = data{i,column}; % column is the column of your data
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Danna Pinto
Danna Pinto on 14 Apr 2019
Thank you for your answer.
What do you mean the column of my data? Do you mean the column of the cell array that contains the vectors?
Also something doesn't seem to work with the code, this is what I did with my data
data_cell= {nameOfTrialCell' TargetTimes_Cell' targetNum_cell' Trialtype_cell'};
nums= NaN(size(data_cell,2),3);
for i = 1:size(data_cell,2);
nums(i,:)= data_cell{i,2};
and I got this error
The following error occurred converting from cell to double:
Error using double
Conversion to double from cell is not possible.

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Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 10 Apr 2019
A cell array is not realluy a good choice for storing your data. Use a table, and use writetable to write out that "ragged" array.
>> t = cell2table(data,'VariableNames',{'FileName' 'List' 'X' 'Y'});
>> head(t)
ans =
8×4 table
FileName List X Y
_____________________________________ ____________ _ _
{'numOfStream_1numTarget_3other.wav'} {1×3 double} 3 2
{'numOfStream_2numTarget_2other.wav'} {1×2 double} 2 2
{'numOfStream_3numTarget_2other.wav'} {1×2 double} 2 2
{'numOfStream_4numTarget_1other.wav'} {[ 21.1676]} 1 2
{'numOfStream_5numTarget_1other.wav'} {[ 20.9014]} 1 2
{'numOfStream_6numTarget_2other.wav'} {1×2 double} 2 2
{'numOfStream_7numTarget_3other.wav'} {1×3 double} 3 2
{'numOfStream_8numTarget_2other.wav'} {1×2 double} 2 2
>> writetable(t,'test.csv');
This creates a file like
where the "ragged" array has been written to three columns in the file.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Oct 2023
outfilename = 'test.csv';
V1 = [11;12]; V2 = [4 5 6; 7 8 9]
V2 = 2×3
4 5 6 7 8 9
T = table(V1, V2)
T = 2×2 table
V1 V2 __ ___________ 11 4 5 6 12 7 8 9
TT = rowfun(@(varargin)cell2table(cellfun(@mat2str, varargin, 'uniform', 0),'VariableNames', T.Properties.VariableNames), T)
TT = 2×1 table
Var1 V1 V2 _____________________ {'11'} {'[4 5 6]'} {'12'} {'[7 8 9]'}
writetable(TT.Var1, outfilename, 'QuoteStrings', 'all')
1 V1,V2 2 "11","[4 5 6]" 3 "12","[7 8 9]"
%now see if we can read it back in
opts = detectImportOptions(outfilename, 'Delimiter', ',');
opts = setvartype(opts, opts.VariableNames', 'char')
opts =
DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties: Format Properties: Delimiter: {','} Whitespace: '\b\t ' LineEnding: {'\n' '\r' '\r\n'} CommentStyle: {} ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: 'split' LeadingDelimitersRule: 'keep' TrailingDelimitersRule: 'ignore' EmptyLineRule: 'skip' Encoding: 'UTF-8' Replacement Properties: MissingRule: 'fill' ImportErrorRule: 'fill' ExtraColumnsRule: 'addvars' Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype VariableNames: {'V1', 'V2'} VariableTypes: {'char', 'char'} SelectedVariableNames: {'V1', 'V2'} VariableOptions: [1-by-2] Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts VariableNamingRule: 'modify' Location Properties: DataLines: [2 Inf] VariableNamesLine: 1 RowNamesColumn: 0 VariableUnitsLine: 0 VariableDescriptionsLine: 0 To display a preview of the table, use preview
tempT = readtable(outfilename, opts);
recoveredT = cell2table(cellfun(@str2num, table2cell(tempT), 'uniform', 0), 'VariableNames', tempT.Properties.VariableNames)
recoveredT = 2×2 table
V1 V2 __ ___________ 11 4 5 6 12 7 8 9
Runcong Kuang
Runcong Kuang on 7 Nov 2023
Edited: Runcong Kuang on 7 Nov 2023
Thanks @Walter Roberson for your detailed answer.
Could you help me understand this line:
TT = rowfun(@(varargin)cell2table(cellfun(@mat2str, varargin, 'uniform', 0),'VariableNames', T.Properties.VariableNames), T)

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