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How do it store a particularText file into an array ?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a Text file (attached along with the question).You can see there are lot of lines at the moment (there can be more) .i want to convert this text file to an array so that the array contains the lines row by row .
I know 'textscan' works but what exactly should my input arguments be so that i get the required result .
Thank you in advance

Answers (1)

Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 15 Apr 2019
I would suggest loading the file and then splitting.
string = readfile('TestLists.txt');
lines = regexp(string,'\n','split');
sachin narain
sachin narain on 16 Apr 2019
I want to convert these lines into row by row data so that i can work on them later as an array
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 16 Apr 2019
readfile is a custom created function. If you would prefer not to use a file of the file exchange then feel free to utilize fileread, importfile, or textscan (use '%s' as the format).
Using the split option with regexp will produce a cell array where each element contains one line of the file.

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