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How to delete numbers from cell?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a cell array that contains the following lines:
'0,31:1.03 SPEED MEASURED 1 [rpm]'
'0,31:1.04 MOTOR SPEED [rpm]'
'0,31:1.08 MOTOR TORQUE [%]'
'0,31:25.04 TORQUE REF B [%]'
I want to use them as titles for figures, but without the numbers preceding the text. For a figure that plots the measured speed, for example, I would want to have a title like this: SPEED MEASURED 1 [rpm]. How can I go about doing this?

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 13 Jun 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 13 Jun 2019
Simpler with regexprep:
>> D = regexprep(C,'^\S+\s*','')
D =
  1 Comment
Heidi Mäkitalo
Heidi Mäkitalo on 13 Jun 2019
Thanks! I actually didn't know about this function, I've only heard of regexp before. Works well & looks neat!

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More Answers (1)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 13 Jun 2019
a = {'0,31:1.03 SPEED MEASURED 1 [rpm]'
'0,31:1.04 MOTOR SPEED [rpm]'
'0,31:1.08 MOTOR TORQUE [%]'
'0,31:25.04 TORQUE REF B [%]'};


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