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Multiple trigger signals in Triggered Subsystem

3 views (last 30 days)
Tl;dr: How to use multiple trigger signals in Triggered Subsystem?
I would like to make a Phase Frequency Detector(PFD, in a triggered fasion to decrease simulation time. A PFD has two incomming clock signals and therefore is basically triggered on two signals. I tried to add an extra trigger port to a Triggered Subsystem, but it does not allow me to do so. Is there another way to add a second trigger port to a Triggered Subsystem (or is there another subsystem which has muliple trigger ports which I'm not aware of)?
Note that I have been thinking about combinig the two signals within one signal which has an edge when one of the two incomming clocks has an edge such that one trigger port is sufficient. However this is kinda a shabby solution, increases model complexity and thereby decreases simplicity/overview, and I also think it is not that trivial as it sounds. Therefore, this would be more of a "last resort" solution.
Thanks in advance :)

Answers (1)

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 4 Mar 2022
One trigger input to the block sounds less complex than two, to me any way. I vote for taking your two signals and combining them into one trigger input to your block.


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