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Fseminf can't be used if the constraints' dimsion is higher than 2?

1 view (last 30 days)
What can you do if the constraints have higher dimension than 2?
is the 2D example, but in my problem I have products like ... . Not exactly this but the point is that I have n number of and I have to multiply all of them(not only 2 of them).
Richárd Tóth
Richárd Tóth on 7 Aug 2019
Seems like transforming the constraint matrix into a lower dimension form doesn't work, I tried adding this line after K1 is assigned in the two dimensional example
and the solution I get from fseminf is not a valid solution even though the matrix elements are the same.
[c,ceq,K1] = mycon(x,[0.5,0.5]); % Sampling interval 0.5
returns a positive number
Lucas Schaare
Lucas Schaare on 25 Feb 2022
were you able to solve this problem with 3D constraint matrix?
Thank you in advance.

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Answers (1)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 7 Aug 2019
If you have one inequality (doesn't matter how the lhs is computed, with finite or infinite series or products), then you have ONE constraint.
  1 Comment
Richárd Tóth
Richárd Tóth on 7 Aug 2019
I have more than 1 inequality, all of them looks similar to the others, like this
phi_phi2,phi3 correspond to 's

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