3 phase power calc from Vabc and Iabc

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Andrey Er
Andrey Er on 27 Aug 2019
Commented: boris vuleta on 6 Sep 2019
Good day. During design and testionour power control devices we are using Power Analyer like Hioka. It produce direct measurment of phase ( phase to phase) voltages and current and calc Active and Reactive power.
In simulink i want to reproduce some kind of that calculation, I save currents and voltages from my Drive model to SDI data set and analyse int in Signal analyser.
Some body can help How to calc Active and Reactive power and COS fi ?
Andrey Er
Andrey Er on 4 Sep 2019
Sorry but Active power formula is W=Uphase*Iphase*K*cos Pfi, cos Psi may be lead or lag, so I cant Correctry calc power wtih out it.
boris vuleta
boris vuleta on 6 Sep 2019
Hello, first of all you can calculate p = Va*Ia+Vb*Ib+Vc*Ic.... but if I saw it right you mentioned higher harmonics (It's Friday, I can't see anything anymore hah) so how excatly are you going to do any analysis when you have voltage and current valves with those components? First of all you need to extract those elements and then calculate every harmonic. So I'll quote your formula W=Uphase*Iphase*K*cos Pfi but with numbers 01,03,05 where they repsresent your harmonic index. If I were you, maybe the best or easiest way would be to do FFT of your signal, extract components of each harmonic and then caluculate Active or Reactive power using your formula.
Hope you got your answer or at least a new idea.

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Answers (2)

Sabin on 29 Aug 2019
You can use 'Power Measurement (Three-Phase)' from Simscape Electrical to compute the three-phase real and reactive power. You can find this block in Simscape/Electrical/Control/Measurements. Hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Andrey Er
Andrey Er on 29 Aug 2019
I seen that block but its works only with harmoinc free signals. And in my case i need information about how to calc power like Polwer Anayser.

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qaqcvc on 30 Aug 2019
How about transform them into DQ frame, and calculate active power and reactive power with PQ theory? Not sure.


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