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Issue with push button userdata

1 view (last 30 days)
Jason on 27 Sep 2019
Commented: Himanshu Jain on 24 Aug 2021
I am trying to enable a push button to exit a loop if its pressed and decided to user the buttons "UserData".
So I initially set it to 0.
set(handles.btnStop, 'userdata',0)
in my loop, i then check the status of this with an if statement
if get(handles.btnStop, 'userdata') % stop condition
In a stop push button I set the user data to 1
set(handles.btnStop, 'userdata',1)
But Im getting a strange result.
when I check what the userdata is berfore I go into the loop (via set(handles.btnStop, 'userdata',0)), I see its a cell array with 2 elements:
ans =
2×1 cell array
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Himanshu Jain
Himanshu Jain on 24 Aug 2021
I am not able to reproduce the same issue, I am getting the expected results. Can you please send more info about the issue. Also if possible, please share the code in which this issue is occuring.

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