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Use finite difference method for second ode

33 views (last 30 days)
I have the following problem. Please help me to solve it:
y" + x^2 * y = sin(\pi * x)
the boundry conditions are
y(0) = y'(1) =0
We have 20 equals-sub intervals of length h.
Plot the exact solution and the approximate solution.
After solving, I got:
My code to solve this problem is:
%% Boundary Conditions:
%% Mesh Discretization
N=20; % number of subintervals
x0=0; xn=1; % define the boundary nodes
h = (xn-x0)/N; % define the step size (intervals width)
x=(x0:h:xn)';% define the nodes of the whole interval
x_interior = x(2:end-1); % define the interior nodes
m=size(x,1)-2; % define the size of the system (Note since we have the vlaue
% we subtract 2 from the full size of x
%% Define the matrix M
for i=2:m-1
M(i,i)= -2/(h^2) + x_interior.^2; % difine the main diagonal
for i=2:m-1
M(i-1,i)= (1/h^2) ; % define the upper diagonal
M(i, i-1) = (1/h^2); % define the lower diagonal
M(m,m)= 3/(2*h);
M(m,m-1)= -4/(2*h);
M(m, m-2)= 1/(2*h);
%% define the load vector F
F= sin ((x_interior.)* pi);
%% Solve the system
% print the value of the solution
fprintf (['y1= ', num2str(y(1)),'\n', 'y2= ', num2str(y(2)),'\n', 'y3= ', num2str(y(3))])
% plot the solution
plot(x, [y0; y; yn], 'r');
xlabel ('x')
ylabel( 'y')
hold on
%% Use matlab bvp4c function
solinit=bvpinit(x, @guess);
sol=bvp4c (@bvpfcn, @bcfn , solinit);
plot(sol.x, ref_sol, 'b--')
lg=legend({'FD solution','Reference solution'},'Location','south','FontSize',12);
Where @guess is
function g=guess (x)
g = [0; 0];
and @bvpfcn is
function [dydx]= bvpfcn(x,y)
dydx=[y(2); (-x.^2)*y(1)+sin (x.*pi)];
and @bcfn is
function res = bcfn (ya, yb)
s=0; % the value at the end boundary
res = [ ya(1); yb(1)-s];
I really appreciate your help.

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