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Problem with matrix output

2 views (last 30 days)
Marco Forti
Marco Forti on 9 Dec 2019
Edited: Marco Forti on 10 Dec 2019
When I compute certain matrices Matlab renames parts of the elements with sigmas in the output. How can I turn this option off and keep my original symbols?
Thank you in advance
My code is
syms p w1 w2 y1 y2
F = p*((w1/(p*y1))^(y1/(y1-1))+(w2/(p*y2))^(y2/(y2-1))) - w1*(w1/p *y1)^(1/(y1-1)) - w2*(w2/p*y2)^(1/(y2-1))
gradient(F, [p, w1, w2])
A = hessian(F, [p, w1, w2])
LaTeX_Expr = latex(A)
And the output is below

Answers (1)

Tamuno-Opubo Cookey-Gam
Tamuno-Opubo Cookey-Gam on 9 Dec 2019
Could you give an example of what your input is and what Matlab returns?
  1 Comment
Marco Forti
Marco Forti on 9 Dec 2019
syms p w1 w2 y1 y2
F = p*((w1/(p*y1))^(y1/(y1-1))+(w2/(p*y2))^(y2/(y2-1))) - w1*(w1/p *y1)^(1/(y1-1)) - w2*(w2/p*y2)^(1/(y2-1))
gradient(F, [p, w1, w2])
A = hessian(F, [p, w1, w2])
LaTeX_Expr = latex(A)
F =
ans =
A =

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