Dimensions are always 1x1

9 views (last 30 days)
Iris Kiebert
Iris Kiebert on 10 Dec 2019
Answered: Katharina Hofer on 10 Dec 2019
No matter what I do if I type in for n=1:365 n will always have a dimension of 1x1 with the value 365.the same happens when I make a matrix. Could some help?

Answers (1)

Katharina Hofer
Katharina Hofer on 10 Dec 2019
A for loop cycles through the columns of the array you hand it.
If you use
for n=1:365
% some code here
n will always be 1x1, but it will go through all values from 1 to 365, because you gave it a vector with 365 columns and it will cycle through them.
If you want n to be an array of numbers from 1 to 365, just type
n=1:365; % for a row vector
n=(1:365)'; % for a column vector





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