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Matlab slowing down while reading netcdf (in for loop)

9 views (last 30 days)
This seems to be a problem that has cropped up once or twice on this forum but I am not sure I saw a satisfactory answer. I am reading many netcdf files in a for loop using ncread. With each successive iteration, matlab slows down considerably and is crawling by iteration 4 or 5. Within each iteration, I am doing the following:
(i) Read four 3d matrices that are not even huge (122x122x62)
(ii) Read two 2d matrices (122x122)
(iii) A few calculations
(iv) No figures
And that's it! Any help is appreciated.
PS: I will try reading using netcdf.getVar instead of ncread to see if that makes a difference.
Dardag on 19 May 2020
I was using NCO before, perhaps I should return to just using that.
I work with curvilinear grid and ncks works for that like you said.
Themistoklis Chronis
Themistoklis Chronis on 30 May 2021
hey guys did you find a solution to this? I have an identical problem. MATLAB starts crawling after opening a couple of hundred netcdf files...

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