core points of dbscan clustering.

2 views (last 30 days)
How to get the core points of each cluster in the dbscan. I need to store the core points in a variable. How can I do that? Please help me.

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 9 Mar 2020
Although this question is old, however, it is similar to your other question I answered. Therefore, If someone is searching for a solution to this question, please refer to my answer on a similar question:
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 11 Mar 2020
Please check the modified code below. Note that i removed the line since it was not necessary
data.Var10(isnan(data.Var10)) = 0; % place 0 in empty cells
Also you need to change the line according to each file. For example in file data2.xlsx there are two columns (column 1 and 9) that have text data. So you need to manually change the code to convert those columns to numbers
data.Var1 = findgroups(data.Var1); % convert column
data.Var9 = findgroups(data.Var9); % convert column
Change above codes according to each file.
data=readtable('data5.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', false);
data.Var5 = findgroups(data.Var5); % convert column
data = table2array(data);
[idx, corepts] = dbscan(data,epsilon,minpts);
fig1 = figure();
fig2 = figure();
ax = axes();
hold on;
core=data(corepts, :);
core_idx = idx(corepts, :);
centers = splitapply(@(x) mean(x, 1), core, core_idx);
gscatter(centers(:,1), centers(:,2), 1:size(centers,1));

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