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comparing rows in cell array

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Jonathan on 27 Feb 2020
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
Allcases = readtable('227.xlsx');
caseID = Allcases{:,1};
caseX = Allcases{:,2};
caseY = Allcases{:,3};
i = 1
f = {}
while i<5
g = {caseID(i), caseX(i), caseY(i)}
if *****************:
f = [f;g];
i = i+1;
Hi, I am trying to build a cell array of unique values. In this case, I am only trying to add the row g to f if it hasn't occured before in f. Could anyone please help me complete the missing code? I am very new to Matlab and have been spending hours to try and fix this problem.
  1 Comment
Guillaume on 27 Feb 2020
Note that:
i = 1;
while i < 5
%... some code that doesn't change i
i = i+5;
is more simply written as:
for i = 1:5
%... some code that doesn't change i

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 27 Feb 2020
unique(Allcases,'rows') might be easier.
Jonathan on 29 Feb 2020
Hi, thanks for the answer.
However, I have just tried this and it is telling me that the matrix dimensions must agree. I checked the dimensions and both are 1x5 cell arrays.
Jonathan on 29 Feb 2020
oh don't worry. Just figured it out - i was using strings, not numbers!
Thanks you so much for all your help. Now i've learnt how to index cell arrays.

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