ROS in Simulink never receive anything

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I am having really hard time getting ROS in Simulink to receive any messages from a remote PC.

It never works in MatLab either but here's the rub:
I run
rosinit('') % a sudo address for my remote running turtlebot3_fake
I then jump over to Simulink and create a model that looks like this:

I hit run and it is always zero. What am I doing wrong?



Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 10 Mar 2020
More specifically, you also need to set ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP as specified in the mentioned link to connect to a remote master. Additionally, make sure that you can successfully ssh into the remote server.
Clayton Allen
Clayton Allen on 11 Mar 2020
I moved my install to a windows based PC and viola! I would like the MatLab folks to maybe consider this a bug.
Orginal install:
OS Mojave
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 11 Mar 2020
It appears to be some issues with network configuration or the setting of environment variables. I am able to receive a message published by a node from an external server in MATLAB running on macOS Catalina, and I have previously done it on Mojave too.
The problem you mentioned: you are able to get the node list but cannot receive a message from a subscribed topic that happens when environment variables on the master server and MATLAB are not set properly. This link explains how to configure these variables:

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