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How to take common data from two matrix with different dimensions

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I want to obtain two matrix with same dimension starting from two matrix with different dimension. In the two matrix I have match between the data by year, month, day and hour. The matrixes in output should have the same match between the data of the matrixes of starting. I'm attacching the code below and the compressed folder that contains the xlsx files. Thanks.
format long g
folderData = 'D:\Valerio\data\ACCESS1.0';
filePattern = fullfile(folderData, '*.xlsx');
xlsFiles = dir(filePattern);
nFiles = length(xlsFiles);
for ii = 1:nFiles
filename = fullfile(xlsFiles(ii).folder, xlsFiles(ii).name);
files{ii} = xlsread(filename);
IPCC = files(1);
ERA5 = files(2);
Data_IPCC = IPCC{:,1};
ERA5_data = ERA5{:,1};
IPCC_data = unique(Data_IPCC,'rows');
Years_IPCC = IPCC_data(:,1);
Years_ERA5 = ERA5_data(:,1);
range_IPCC = length(IPCC_data);
range_ERA5 = length(ERA5_data);
k = 1;
for i = 1:range_ERA5;
for j = 1:range_IPCC;
if Years_ERA5 == Years_IPCC;
A(k,:) = ERA5_data(i,:);
k = k + 1
With this code I obtaine this error:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in C_Fourier_Analysis (line 27)
if Years_ERA5 == Years_IPCC;

Accepted Answer

dpb on 14 Mar 2020
Edited: dpb on 14 Mar 2020
dtE=datetime([E(:,1:4) repmat([0 0],size(E,1),1)]); % convert time columns
dtA=datetime([A(:,1:3) A(:,4)/1E4 repmat([0 0],size(A,1),1)]); % NB scaling for hours
[~,ia,ie]=intersect(dtA,dtE); % who's in both???
tC=timetable(dtA(ia),A(ia,5:end),E(ie,5:end)); % combine those
tC.Properties.VariableNames={'IPCC','ERA5'}; % meaningful var names
results in
>> tC(1:10,:)
ans =
10×2 timetable
____________________ ________________________ ________________________
01-Jan-1985 00:00:00 0.88 4.26 284.28 1.37 11.08 55.02
01-Jan-1985 06:00:00 0.73 3.70 272.56 1.88 9.67 57.32
01-Jan-1985 12:00:00 0.72 3.59 271.42 1.45 9.30 57.87
01-Jan-1985 18:00:00 0.62 3.60 279.29 1.01 9.04 59.30
02-Jan-1985 00:00:00 0.39 3.45 277.87 0.80 8.59 29.52
02-Jan-1985 06:00:00 0.27 3.05 274.01 0.79 3.73 257.51
02-Jan-1985 12:00:00 0.27 2.47 261.28 0.76 4.07 259.78
02-Jan-1985 18:00:00 0.30 2.62 250.42 0.51 9.66 21.65
03-Jan-1985 00:00:00 0.31 2.69 246.14 0.50 7.16 29.99
03-Jan-1985 06:00:00 0.32 2.71 240.86 0.53 7.01 16.48
Could alternatively turn each into a separate timetable and retime or synchronize

More Answers (1)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 13 Mar 2020
You are getting this error because Years_ERA5 and Years_IPCC have different sizes. From your code, it appears that you want to compare single elements of these two vectors. Therefore, change the line with
if Years_ERA5(i) == Years_IPCC(j)
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 13 Mar 2020
Then you can try this code. It assumes that the first four columns of both matrices define the date and time of the data sample. The final matrices have equal size
format long g
xlsFiles = dir('*.xlsx');
nFiles = length(xlsFiles);
for ii = 1:nFiles
filename = fullfile(xlsFiles(ii).folder, xlsFiles(ii).name);
files{ii} = xlsread(filename);
IPCC = unique(files{1}, 'rows');
ERA5 = unique(files{2}, 'rows');
% assuming the first four column make date and time
IPCC_datetime = IPCC(:, 1:4);
IPCC_datetime(:,4) = IPCC_datetime(:,4)/10000;
ERA5_datetime = ERA5(:, 1:4);
[ism, loc] = ismember(IPCC_datetime, ERA5_datetime, 'rows');
IPCC(~ism, :) = [];
loc(~ism, :) = [];
ERA5 = ERA5(loc, :);
Valerio Gianforte
Valerio Gianforte on 16 Mar 2020
The code doesn't work, it gives error "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1)" after the comment.

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