how to split a vector into small subvectors based on condition
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how can i split a vector into smaller sub vectors, such that the sum of each vectors is less than N
N = 60
V = [30 35 24 15 14 48];
Walter Roberson
on 15 Mar 2020
Breaking up into individual elements satisfies the stated conditions. There are other solutions too, but the question does not prevent the algorithm from being lazy and not even trying a different solution.
Accepted Answer
Ameer Hamza
on 15 Mar 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza
on 15 Mar 2020
From your other question: I suspect that you want to find all distinct combination of elements where the sum is less than 60 while keeping the number of trips to a minimum. The following code will find an optimal solution; however, it will only work if the number of elements of V is small (say less than 20). The solution have exponential time and space complexity, so the required resources will grow very quickly. For large number of variables, I would recommend using some greedy method, which can give a sub-optimal solution.
N = 60;
V = [30 35 24 15 14 48];
a = mat2cell(repmat([0 1], numel(V), 1), ones(size(V)), 2);
combs = logical(combvec(a{:})'); % create all possible combinations
combs(1, :) = []; % remove a trivial combination
cost = sum(combs.*V, 2);
valid_index = cost < N;
valid_combs = combs(valid_index, :);
valid_costs = cost(valid_index);
[valid_costs, index] = sort(valid_costs, 'descend');
valid_combs = valid_combs(index, :);
optimal_combs = logical([]);
while ~isempty(valid_combs)
current_comb = valid_combs(1,:);
optimal_combs = [optimal_combs; current_comb];
index = any(valid_combs(:, current_comb) == valid_combs(1, current_comb), 2);
valid_combs(index, :) = [];
result = {};
for i=1:size(optimal_combs,1)
result{i} = V(optimal_combs(i,:));
More Answers (1)
Ahmed Anas
on 15 Mar 2020
Edited: Ahmed Anas
on 15 Mar 2020
Dear, it will give you the desired results
clear all
V = [30 35 24 15 14 48]
for i=1:size(V,2)
subsA = nchoosek(V,i);
for j=1:size(subsA)
if Sum<N
Walter Roberson
on 15 Mar 2020
I suspect that the sub-vectors are intended to be consecutive elements.
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