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Running System Command, Importing and Exporting Text file, Editing Text file(Input Parameters)

2 views (last 30 days)
I here by attached I123.txt file . I want to change the following line in I123.txt file
ELAStic ISOTropic 1000.0 0.25 --- last two parameters 1000.0 and 0.25 to user defined input parameters and overwrite I123.txt file without creating new file and i can run the system command -- system('system command') to execute the file. When i run in matlab scrip code the following appears in as matlab command prompt window
I n p u t F i l e n a m e s
Specify filenames:
Input Data (default: NONE ) :
Enter Name --> (Here i have to enter ---- I123.txt (User should enter from keyboard) in matlab command prompt window which are executable system external program. but that should be automatically coded in script . After that the following appears
Are filenames correct?( y or n; r = redefine all, s = stop) : (y - User should enter from keyboard) .I have to automatically write in matlab script code.
After that system program generat Output file named by default as O123.txt. Matlab should call (export) that Output text file in same script code and expolit that data according to the user needs.
If i want to repeat the above steps for n iterations what is the procedure,
My aim is to run the program and code calls the system program and generate output file and export that to matlab script code and expolit that data according to the user needs.
The following discussion for reference.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance .
RAKESH KUMAR TOTA on 24 Mar 2020
PATH = getenv('PATH');
setenv('PATH', [PATH ':/home/usr/desiredpath']);
unix('system command')
It shows error :
/bin/bash system command : command not found
But somes times it worked well directly. When i reopen it again the problem persist. There is something link missing. Could you please comment on it

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