Getting GUI Slider updates while dragging

12 views (last 30 days)
Is there a straightforward method to get updates on a slider's position while it is being dragged? The standard callback gets called only after the drag is complete and the button has been released.
I'm thinking of using the ButtonDownFcn to start a polling loop checking the slider's value. (Then how do I detect mouse up?)
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 23 Oct 2012
ButtonDownFcn is disabled over an enabled uicontrol
Norton Allen
Norton Allen on 24 Oct 2012
Edited: Norton Allen on 24 Oct 2012
Matt, what I'm trying to do is get a slider where the app updates while the slider is moving, for example the way a browser updates while you are moving the scroll bar.
Sean, I did discover that ButtonDownFcn is not the answer pretty quickly too!

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Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 23 Oct 2012
This can be done easily with addlistener
h = uicontrol('style','slider','callback',@(src,evt)disp(get(src,'value')));

More Answers (1)

AG on 20 Feb 2019
The following worked for me. I get a 'live' scroll-bar update by calling this within another function:
slider_value = get(gcf.Children(j), 'Value');
...where j is the value of the UIcontrol corresponding to the scroll. You can find out which UIControl it is in the figure by putting a break in the code and using:
This could also be ascertained in run-time using:
for j = 1:length(gcf.Children)
get(gcf.Children(j), 'Tag')
which will return a char array with the Tag of each of the children which could then be compared using strcmp(), for example. I've done this using a GUI created with GUIDE.


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