In which package can I find the ranova function?

11 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone!
I try to run a RANOVA, however my matlab keeps complaining it doesn't know the function and I cannot find in which package it would be? I Just dowloaded the latest Matlab Version (r2020a) and it still doesn't work.
Does anysone know where I can get the function?

Accepted Answer

Samatha Aleti
Samatha Aleti on 27 Apr 2020
The function “ranova” is a method of class “RepeatedMeasuresModel which is in “Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
If you have the licensed product “Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox”, but have not installed yet, you can do as follows:
  • Go to MATLAB - > HOME -> Add-Ons -> Get Add-ons -> search for “Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox” -> click Install
If you do not have the product, then you can
  • Check the Pricing and Licensing details here to purchase
Also, If you have Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox” installed, you need to create an object of “RepeatedMeasuresModel” class to find and run the functionranova”.
Refer the following documentation link on “ranova” for further details:

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