Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Index exceeds the number of array elements (6).

1 view (last 30 days)
Sinan Yigit
Sinan Yigit on 14 May 2020
Answered: Ayush Goyal on 19 Jun 2020
I get this error and do not solve the problem please inform me how to solve it.
related codes,
for i=1:6
xr - yr values;
3 - 3
2.68060147430381 - 3.13671296448901
4.36591862294010- 6.36978774648130
6.81142757321166- 7.19528445914528
7.75732360564317- 4.90764974391571
8- 5
thanks for helps.
  1 Comment
Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty on 14 May 2020
Hi Sinan,
At the loop 6, the code access xr(6+1) which is not present. Inorder to solve this, you can append zeros at the front of xr and yr. The other one, being looping from 1:5. The actual case depends on what you needed in the output.
Hope this helps.

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Answers (1)

Ayush Goyal
Ayush Goyal on 19 Jun 2020
From my understanding of the question you are facing index issue in your code. Since you are iterating your for loop from i=1 to i=6, so when i=6 the code is accessing xr(6+1) and yr(6+1) but the length of both xr and vr vector is 6. You should iterate your for loop for i=1:5 or you can append zeros at the end of xr and yr. You can refer to the following link for how to append to array or vector:


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