Cylinder fit to pointcloud

4 views (last 30 days)
Hassan Farag
Hassan Farag on 14 May 2020
Edited: Aditya Patil on 19 Aug 2020
Hello everybody,
we are trying to use function pcfitcylinder with our point cloud but the estimation produces strange fits with very big diameters and orintations. We change MaxNumTrails,Confidence and rng(0) but it did not enhance the result. Can you please guide us on this?
Thanks in advance

Answers (1)

Aditya Patil
Aditya Patil on 19 Aug 2020
Edited: Aditya Patil on 19 Aug 2020
You can use various parameters to control the output of the function. For example, try providing a reference vector and decreasing maxDistance. You can check all the available options in the pcfitcylinder documentation.

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