So! I'm a collossal idiot. The error note was incredibly well written, and described my exact problem. Turns out that if I repeat the process but write in columns rather than rows, we're all good.
In the same nomenclature as the question, here is a working version:
function [SOL] = MinWorkExample
outDIR = '\PHFtall';
fileIDX = 1;
ColsPerFile = 1e3;
ColsWritten = 0;
totalCols = 1e5;
while ColsWritten<totalCols
colsToWrite = min(ColsPerFile, totalCols-ColsWritten);
datas = rand(totalCols,1);
fname = fullfile(outDIR,sprintf('datas_%05d.mat',fileIDX));
fileIDX = 1 + fileIDX;
ColsWritten = colsToWrite + ColsWritten;
ds = fileDatastore(fullfile(outDIR, '*.mat'), ...
'ReadFcn', @(fname) getfield(load(fname), 'datas'), ...
'UniformRead', true);
CONMAT = tall(ds);
F = tall(rand(1,totalCols));