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Taylor series input arguments error

1 view (last 30 days)
Katherine Edwards
Katherine Edwards on 22 Jun 2020
Answered: Raunak Gupta on 24 Jun 2020
When I try to calculate a Taylor series specifying the Expansion Point and Order eg.
syms x
T = taylor(sin(x), x, 'ExpansionPoint' , pi/4, 'Order' ,5)
I receive the error message
Error using sym/taylor
Too many input arguments
(I'm using MATLAB r2018b if it helps)

Answers (1)

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 24 Jun 2020
As Walter mentioned in the comments the issue would be that you may have defined a local variable named ‘taylor’ which is overriding the inbuilt function taylor from Symbolic Math Toolbox. You can remove or change the variable name which are named taylor form the code before using taylor function. You can use
clear taylor
At the beginning of the code. I have explicity run the code mentioned in question without anything else and it runs fine.


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