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MATLAB commands not executing on Jenkins agent machine

1 view (last 30 days)
I am trying out Jenkins Master-Agent configuration. I want to trigger a MATLAB script that reads a text from .txt file and writes it to a excel file. Below is the MATLAB script written in Testmat.m:
fileID = fopen('Test1.txt','r');
A = fscanf(fileID,formatSpec);
The batch script in Jenkins Pipeline to trigger the above Testmast.m file is:
bat label: '', script: '''"C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2015b\\bin\\matlab.exe" -wait -sd "C:\\Test_Excel_Sharan" -r "restoredefaultpath;addpath(genpath(\'C:\\Test_Excel_Sharan\')); "run('C:\\Test_Excel_Sharan\\Testmat.m');quit force,end" -logfile "log_new.txt"'''
Both scripts work as expected on master machine, but when i run the above scripts on agent machine, Jenkins returns below error:
ERROR: script returned exit code 3
I am not if the issue from MATLAB or Jenkins.
Any help to resolve this issue would be appreciated.

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