Rotationa to translation movement conversion - WITHOUT Simscape toolboxes

9 views (last 30 days)
Hello all,
I'm basically trying to simulate a Lead screw system, driven by a DC motor (Speed profile), on a certain stroke length. That being said, I just have the basic Simscape licence (it means No Driveline or Multi body toolboxes or licences).
I just don't know what to insert where the empty space are (see picture).
Typically, my speed profile has a trapezoidal form, I have a "Angular velocity Source" block, as well as a "Translational velocity Source" block which I don't know how to link. The gain is the pitch of the screw (in mm/rev).
If you have any idea on how to do, I'm looking forward your answers.
Thank you.
ayoub reffai
ayoub reffai on 29 Apr 2022
Edited: ayoub reffai on 29 Apr 2022
oh ok here it is
I dont know what i do wrong , but i wasted a long time trying by myself need someone else point of view or new idea
basicly the system is an electrical actuator trying to push the basket of a mobile elevating working platform
thank you
Cyril CRIER on 29 Apr 2022
Well I don't have the toolboxe Multibody so I can't run the model.
So you basically can't link a "red" link (signal) to the R point of your force source block. Why do you need this block under "L_Glissière_Corps_Tige1"?

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Accepted Answer

Jonas on 19 Aug 2020
Edited: Jonas on 19 Aug 2020
Doesn't it make sense to just connect the speed profile on the linear velocity source, and use a regular Simulink Gain block to do the conversion between rotational and translational?
If you want to keep having the DC-motor there - which doesn't really do all that much at the moment - you can use an Ideal Rotational Motion Sensor. That sensor output needs to be converted to Simulink (PS -Simulink Converter), use a regular Gain block and then again convert to Simscape (Simulink-PS Converter).
You will also like to add something to the output of the DC Motor, such as a Rotational Free End, or an Inertia or Friction.
Cyril CRIER on 21 Aug 2020
Hi, well the gain block looks ok but I have an arror with the solver now (see picture).
I've got this issue since I added a second signal for the torque profile.
I don't understand this issue. Anybody got already this error?
Cyril CRIER on 26 Aug 2020
I figured out what the issue was with the solver. In my first attent, I created a infinite loop by connecting the C port of my Tranlational Hard stop which is also connected to the Ideal Force Source block. The solution is to connect the C port to the Mechanical reference.

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More Answers (1)

Franck Donnadieu
Franck Donnadieu on 25 Aug 2020
Hello, is this model is ok for you?
Franck Donnadieu
Franck Donnadieu on 26 Aug 2020
Yes you are right and I have already done it in the model "systeme_vis_ecrou_effort.slx".
Cyril CRIER on 15 Sep 2020
Hello Franck,
I'm using your models (comming back on the topic after Holidays). I observed, by looking under the mask, that you used a Wheel and Axle block to simulate the lead screw system (for speed and for Torque).
Does it mean that the output speed is parallel to the rotational direction of the entrance? I ask because I have at the end a displacement way higher than expected. What I need is actually an output speed in the direction of the axle...
Furthermore, I'm trying to add a spring in parallel of the Torque part of the "Système Vis écrou". I'm not sure to know where I should install it. Do you have an idea?

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