- save your figure as MATLAB fig file
- write one line matlab function that loads this *.fig file
- compile this function using Application compiler as a stand alone *.exe application
- insert the standalone *.exe file *as a link* (to avoid blocking do not insert as an object) into power point
- during presentation you will have full matlab control of the figure
Rotate 3D plot in PowerPoint
57 views (last 30 days)
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Bernoulli Lizard
on 11 Jan 2013
Commented: Matthew Anderson
on 19 Nov 2020
I want to be able to rotate a 3D plot in powerpoint. I found a few exchange files that rotate a plot and save it as a gif, but the problem with that is they use a loop to rotate the image. My figure is complicated, and I do not know what angles I need to rotate through without looking. Put more simply, is there a way to rotate a plot using the hand tool and record an animation of that? (any movie type will do, I can convert it to something PowerPoint can use after I've made it). I realize that may be a tall order.
Alternatively, if there is a way to put an interactive plot in powerpoint (the computer used will have MATLAB installed) that would work too.
dmitry luchinskii
on 25 Mar 2019
you could also:
Accepted Answer
Sean de Wolski
on 11 Jan 2013
Edited: Sean de Wolski
on 11 Jan 2013
Thanks for giving my brain one last challenge before I shut it off for the week!
Here is something that seems to work. It starts a timer that gives you x amount of time to rotate the plot. It is recording the rotation. You can then feed the recording into the second function that plays it. Obviously, a lot of numbers here are hardwired (0.5, 500) etc. Right now you get 25 seconds at a frame rate of 20fps.
To record it:
function V2 = RecordRotation
n = 500;
V = zeros(n,2);
T = timer('period',0.05,'executionmode','fixedrate',...
rotate3d on
V2 = V;
function captureAzEl(src,~)
cnt = get(src,'TasksExecuted');
[V(cnt,1), V(cnt,2)] = view;
And to play it:
function playRecording(V)
frame_period = 0.05;
n = length(V);
T = timer('period',frame_period,'executionmode','fixedrate',...
rotate3d on
function playRecording(src,~)
cnt = get(src,'TasksExecuted');
view(V(cnt,1), V(cnt,2));
And then to run the whole thing:
v = RecordRotation;
Once the figure appears, you immediately have 25 seconds. After that, it regains control and tells it how to rotate.
Next week I'll polish this up with comments etc.
More Answers (1)
Shibo Zou
on 17 Feb 2017
Edited: Shibo Zou
on 17 Feb 2017
For those who come here to find ways to embed a real interactive 3D plot instead of just a gif in PowerPoint,
Please look at this script which helps embed a real interactive 3D plot in PDF. I suggest you convert your PowerPoint to PDF for presentation. Because the interactive 3D plot won't work if you transfer or embed the PDF in PowerPoint.
See Also
Find more on Animation in Help Center and File Exchange
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