I have these 3 equations
X1(s)*[m1*s^2 + c1*s+(k01+k12)] = F(s) + k12*X2(s)
X2(s)*[m2*s^2 + c2*s +(k12+k23)] = k12*X1(s)+k23*X3(s)
X3(s) [m3*s^2 + c3*s +(k23+k34)] = k23*X2(s)
and I am wondering if there is a possibility to be able to extract my 3 transfer functions, X1(s)/F(s), X2(s)/F(s), and X3(s)/F(s).
Ive really havent explore this part of Matlab and am interested to know if it is possible. I ask because currently I am doing it by hand and setting the left side S polynomial to be P1, P2, and P3 respectively.
but it is alot of algabra and I fear I will make a simple arithmetic mistake and ruin the whole thing.
Can this be done.