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Can I use USB-6009 and NI-9264 for Real-time data acquisiton?

8 views (last 30 days)
I'm using USB-6009 and NI-9264 for my project. I would like to collect data real-time in Simulink. In other words, I would like to see that Simulink test time and my desktop time match(synchronize) each other as I do the experiments.
I first thought of using Simulink Desktop Real-time Analog Input/Output and Digital Output blocks. However, I figured my daq devices are not supported in these blocks. I also searched for running my SImulink model in External mode through Desktop Real-time app, but I guess I have to use only the I/O blocks mentioned before for the External mode. I figured other I/O blocks like Analog Input/Output and Digital Output (Single Sample) seem not to work in this setting. I have attached the error message I got when I used Analog Input (Single Sample)
So, my question is "Is there any way for me to perform real-time data acquisition in Simulink with USB-6009 & NI-9264" ? I appreciate any feedbacks on this topic and feel free to leave comments! Also, let me know if I'm missing anything.
Thank you.

Answers (2)

Dimitri MANKOV
Dimitri MANKOV on 2 Nov 2020
Edited: Dimitri MANKOV on 2 Nov 2020
Hi Taeksoo,
I think you might have posted your message in the wrong section. I'm not an expert in Simulink Desktop Real-Time, but real-time data acquisition is certainly possible with Simulink Real-Time and Speedgoat hardware.
For more information, have a look at

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Nov 2020
Edited: Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2021
No. Simulink Real-Time does not support any NI USB devices.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2021
It would have to be inside a PCI or PCIx device, and even then I am not at all certain Simulink Real-Time would support it. The hardware list does not mention any of the chassis.

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