How can I move the position of my GUI on the screen from the default?

9 views (last 30 days)
I have a GUIDE gui made with MATLAB R2011a. Non of the following techniques has worked to move the gui on the screen:
1)use of
in the main Figure's CreateFcn or the gui's Opening function
2) use of this code in Opening function:
set( handles.figure_main, ...
'Units', 'pixels' );
%get your display size
screenSize = get(0, 'ScreenSize');
%calculate the center of the display
position = get( handles.figure_main, ...
'Position' );
position(1) = (screenSize(3)-position(3))/2;
position(2) = (screenSize(4)-position(4))/2;
%center the window
set( handles.figure_main, ...
'Position', position );
3)or even simple commands of:
set(handles.figure_main,'Units', 'pixels');
set(handles.figure_main,'Position', [900 39 912 600]);
Any help is appreciated

Accepted Answer

hana on 15 Feb 2013
the issue was resolved by restarting MATLAB!! There might have been a bug, but my guess is that had something to do with switching back and fort btw external and default monitor of my machine. I reset the position data in the position property of the main Figure of the gui and it worked after trying the same thing over and over!!
thanks for all your suggestions

More Answers (4)

David Kusnirak
David Kusnirak on 14 Feb 2013
try to change units from pixels to normalized
for example
set(handles.figure_main,'Units', 'normalized');
set(handles.figure_main,'Position', [0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1]);
if it works update the position vector to fit your requirments

hana on 15 Feb 2013
Edited: hana on 15 Feb 2013
Thank you, but normalizing units didn't work either.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Feb 2013
Make sure the main figure's WindowStyle property is normal, not modal or docked.

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 15 Feb 2013
Edited: Sean de Wolski on 15 Feb 2013
What about part #2 from what you have above in the first part of the OutputFcn?


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