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contour plot of a 3D Solid Object

4 views (last 30 days)
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri on 15 Nov 2020
Commented: Shadaab Siddiqie on 30 Nov 2020
I imported the .stl file like this
fv = stlread('EXAMPLE.stl');
patch(fv,'FaceColor', [0.8 0.8 1.0], ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ...
'AmbientStrength', 0.15);
grid off
hold on
axis equal
But I can't create the outline of the solid object. Anyone know how I can do?
For example the sphere in the figure

Answers (1)

Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie on 18 Nov 2020
You can create outlines only on the edges not on a curved surface. For more information refer STL File Import.
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri on 18 Nov 2020
The surface is characterized by a triangular mesh. Is it possible to see it in the figure?
Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie on 30 Nov 2020
Not form my understanding.

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