Mouse zoom box collapses to zero width

1 view (last 30 days)
I've noticed that when I'm using the mouse to zoom into an smaller area on a plot, when the width of the zoom box narrows to a certain point, it collapses to a width of zero. I don't know the point at which it collapses. It seems to be at some number of pixels that is the same regardless of how wide the plot is on the screen. Is there a way to stop this? (i.e like turning off a snap-to-grid function?) Or is this a bug?
Thanks a bunch

Accepted Answer

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 8 Dec 2020
Edited: Cris LaPierre on 8 Dec 2020
Hi Otis. I discovered the following.
This behavior is intentional. When the ratio of your width to height reaches some critical value, the icon changes from a box to either an I (if width << height) or an H (if height << width). When this happens, the plot will only zoom one axis using the values indicated by the bars (I zooms the Y-Axis, H zooms the X-Axis).
This does mean you can still draw smaller boxes. You just need to be careful about the ratio of the box width and height.
I can anticipate scenarios where having an easy way to zoom just one axis is desireable, and this seems like a reasonable solution. If you have feedback about the current sensitivity or critical ratio being used, perhaps due to a specific scenario you are facing, please do feel free to provide feedback by contacting customer support.
  1 Comment
Otis on 8 Dec 2020
Hey Cris ... Thanks for the answer. I think that the reason that I am sensitive to this is that many times I plot multiple lines, each with a lot of points. I always want to zoom into a narrow domain to see how the lines compare. Sure, I could plot a narrow domain to begin with, but most of the time I don't know what that will or should be. While it is a very minor nusisance, it's definitely not a show stopper.
Thanks again,

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