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Time varying data to workspace

2 views (last 30 days)
Drishya Dinesh
Drishya Dinesh on 7 Dec 2020
Edited: Walter Roberson on 7 Dec 2020
I need to load a time varying vector to workspace. At each instant the vector should get updated with new values. ie; a 3x1 vector should be obtained at each instant for both position and orienation. Code is attached.
duration = 5; % seconds
fs = 10; % Hz
N = duration*fs; % number of samples
radius = 2; % meters
speed = 2; % meters per second
climbRate = 2; % meters per second
initialYaw = 90; % degrees
pitch = 20; % degrees
initPos = [radius, 0, 0];
initVel = [0, speed, climbRate];
initOrientation = quaternion([initialYaw,pitch,0],'eulerd','zyx','frame');
trajectory = kinematicTrajectory('SampleRate',fs, ...
'Velocity',initVel, ...
'Position',initPos, ...
accBody = zeros(N,3);
accBody(:,2) = speed^2/radius;
accBody(:,3) = 0.2;
angVelBody = zeros(N,3);
angVelBody(:,3) = speed/radius;
pitchRotation = quaternion([0,pitch,0],'eulerd','zyx','frame');
angVelBody = rotateframe(pitchRotation,angVelBody);
accBody = rotateframe(pitchRotation,accBody);
[position, orientation, velocity] = trajectory(accBody,angVelBody);
eulerAngles = eulerd(orientation,'ZYX','frame');
speed = sqrt(sum(velocity.^2,2));
timeVector = (0:(N-1))/fs;
% pb=angVelBody(:,1);qb=angVelBody(:,1);rb=angVelBody(:,1);
% ub=velocity(:,1);vb=velocity(:,2);wb=velocity(:,2);
% xb=position(:,1);yb=position(:,2);zb=position(:,3);
% phi=eulerAngles(:,1);theta=eulerAngles(:,2);psi=eulerAngles(:,3);
% Vref=[ub vb wb pb qb rb]';
% V=diff(position);
% posi=position'
xlabel('North (m)')
ylabel('East (m)')
zlabel('Down (m)')
grid on
legend('Yaw (Rotation Around Down)','Pitch (Rotation Around East)','Roll (Rotation Around North)')
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Rotation (degrees)')

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