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Efficient implementation of a functions with vector arguments

2 views (last 30 days)
I am an inexperienced MATLAB user. I need to define functions with an efficient implementation because they will be called many times. The function arguments are 3-D vectors, and the functions need access to individual elements of the vectors. The following is a toy example.
function y = foo( vector )
y = vector(1)*cos(vector(2))/(1+vector(3));
Then I could do
v = [2,pi/3,2];
ans = 0.3333
Is there a more efficient way to implement the above function?
Thanks, Ted Ersek

Accepted Answer

Doug Hull
Doug Hull on 3 Apr 2013
Edited: Doug Hull on 3 Apr 2013
Do not worry about efficiency until you know it is a problem. I think you might be surprised where the bottlenecks in your code are. First write clear, correct, maintainable code. When it is found to be slow, then you can optimize for speed. You will likely find that the maintainable code is faster than you need.
I would be VERY surprised if this code was the slowdown in any realistic code.

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