Why I get 1×0 empty double row vector?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have problem with my code. I don't know why fidx1 is 1x0 empty double row vector?
min(oh1) and max(oh1) results are:
ans = 102.8890
>> max(oh1)
ans = 106.2470
d1=[0 min(oh1) min(oh1)];
e1=[max(oh1) max(oh1) max([oh1 oh2 oh3 oh4 oh5 oh7 oh11 oh13 oh19 oh23 oh25 oh29 oh35 oh37])];
lidx1 = find(X1 == max(oh1));
Ylidx1 = Y1(lidx1);
fidx1 = find(X1 == min(oh1));
Yfidx1 = Y1(fidx1);
Aleksandra Pawlak
Aleksandra Pawlak on 27 Dec 2020
My code works only for max value.
There's something wrong with part:
fidx1 = find(X1 == min(oh1));
Yfidx1 = Y1(fidx1);
I can't understand this

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Accepted Answer

Ive J
Ive J on 27 Dec 2020
Edited: Ive J on 27 Dec 2020
xq1 (and therefore X1) simply may don't contain min(oh1) since you are discretizing [0, max(oh1)]. What you can do is to find the idx corresponding to the closest value to min_oh1
max_oh1 = 104;
xq1 = 0:104/200:104;
[~, fidx1] = min(abs(xq1 - min(oh1)));
Ive J
Ive J on 27 Dec 2020
The first output argument is the minimum value itself, and the second one is it's index.

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