Heat transfer, mesh sensitivity analysis?

3 views (last 30 days)
Roya Rajabi
Roya Rajabi on 1 Jan 2021
Commented: J. Alex Lee on 3 Jan 2021
I need to do a grid sensitivity analysis and to find the best node size which gives the most accurate heat loss. But the problem is that I found decreasing the node size changes the heat loss but it never converges. I changed the code to the simplest case with constant temperature on the boundaries but still, I see the same problem.
(the domain is two dimentionl with attached boundary conditions.)
It would be appreciated if help me.
I have attached my code.
Roya Rajabi
Roya Rajabi on 3 Jan 2021
Edited: Roya Rajabi on 3 Jan 2021
I even tested it with power law in mesh. But still the sam eissue. I atached the graph It would be appreciated to let me your idea
All my graphs are like this
J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 3 Jan 2021
that looks pretty convergent to me...the power law needs to be in 1/num_nodes

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