How to merge slider and graph to form a GUI

1 view (last 30 days)
Sam on 18 Apr 2013
I have two files. One plots 5 graphs as functions of e.
One of the graphs has a variable b, which I fixed as 2.
Now, I want to create a GUI so that I can vary b from 1.6 to 2.4.
The code for creating the GUI slider is in another file.
How do I 'merge' the two files into one document so that I can watch how my function changes when I slide the b value from 1.6 to 2.2? The code for plotting the graphs is:
% Plot for lambda.
n = 30;
EUD1 = [66/30;57/30;40/30;35/30;20/30]; EUD2 = [62/30;55/30;30/30;20/30;27/30];
conv_EUD = CC(EUD1, EUD2, 0.5);
dc1 = conv_EUD(1,1); dc2 = conv_EUD(2,1);
dn1 = conv_EUD(3,1); dn2 = conv_EUD(4,1); dn3 = conv_EUD(5,1);
e = -0.4:0.01:0.3;
bc1 = 30*dc1*(1+(dc1./(10+e))); bc2 = 30*dc2*(1+(dc2./(10+e)));
bn1 = 30*dn1*(1+(dn1./(2.2+e))); bn2 = 30*dn2*(1+(dn2./(2+e)));
b = 2;
bn3 = 30*dn3*(1+(dn3./(b+e)));
% Dn3 = (1/2)*((sqrt((2+e).^2+4*(2+e)*(40/30))) -(2+e)) % % Dn3 = (1/2)*(sqrt(((2+e).^2)+4*(2+e)*(40/30)) - (2+e)); % % bn3 = 30.*Dn3.*(1+(Dn3./(2+e))); % % % plot(e, Dn3, 'b');
% % hold on % plot(e,bn3,'g') % % title('plot'); % xlabel('Variation of Epsilon Signifying Change in alpha/beta Value'); % ylabel('d (Gy)'); % % % plot(e, bc1, 'g') hold all plot(e, bc2, 'r') hold all plot(e, bn1, 'b') hold all plot(e, bn2, 'y') hold all plot(e, bn3, 'c')
hleg1 = legend('BOOST','PTV', 'Spinal Cord', 'Parotid', 'Optics');
% hleg1 = legend('Optics'),
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'-0.3','-0.2','-0.1','0','0.1', '0.2', '0.3'})
ylim([-100 100]);
xlim([-0.3 0.3]);
title('BED Plots');
xlabel('Variation of Epsilon Signifying Change in alpha/beta Value');
ylabel('BED (Gy)');
The code for the slider is:
function gui(arg)
Edit = uicontrol('Style','Edit','String','2.0','Position',[20,20,100,20],...
'CallBack', @EditCallBack, 'HorizontalAlignment','left');
Slider = uicontrol('Style','Slider','Position',[140,20,100,20],...
'CallBack', @SliderCallBack, 'Value',2.0,...
function EditCallBack(varargin)
num = str2num(get(Edit,'String'));
if length(num) == 1 & num <=100 & num >=0
msgbox('The value should be a number in the range [1.6,2.4]','Error','error','modal');
function SliderCallBack(varargin)
num = get(Slider, 'Value');
set(Edit, 'String', num2str(num));
The CC.m file is:
% Calculate the convex combination of two vecotrs
function conv_EUD=CC(EUD1,EUD2,lam) conv_EUD=lam*EUD1+(1-lam)*EUD2;

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