Question about Sobel filter
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Question: Below is the matrix of a 10x10 image. Using a 3x3 kernel, apply the mean, median, laplas (4-neighborhood absolute result) and sobel operators (x-y direction together) to the relevant pixel of the image using the i and j indices given in the table next to your name.
I need Sobel code that find the results above.
For example:T=medfilt2(A,[3 3]); for Median.

For example, I have a matrix of any picture.
A=[14 12 10 12 11 10 13 7 9 16;
16 14 13 13 12 6 9 10 13 11;
16 14 12 13 11 8 9 11 11 3;
13 13 12 12 15 11 12 12 4 3,
16 9 4 12 14 8 9 21 11 5;
16 15 15 12 8 8 5 5 6 12;
12 11 13 11 13 4 4 3 2 5;
7 7 13 13 14 4 4 3 4 5;
8 11 5 12 12 4 5 4 4 5;
14 14 12 6 12 5 2 3 5 3]
T=medfilt2(A,[3 3]);
T(5,5) % The answer is 12
H=fspecial('average',[3 3]);
T(3,3) % The answer is 13
H = fspecial('laplacian',0.2)
I don't know sobel code how to use for this question. If you help me, i will be very happy.
Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 11 Feb 2021
You can try medfilt2(), imgradient(), and imfilter() or conv2().
See Also
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