Python script not running with system

3 views (last 30 days)
Guy Nir
Guy Nir on 13 Feb 2021
Answered: Abhishek Gupta on 16 Feb 2021
I am trying to call a python fuunctiion from system. However, I am getting an error and the source seems to be the python functon itself (see below). However, when I run this function directly from a shell, it works well.
[status,cmdout]=system('python /Users/guynir/OligoMiner/ -h')
status =
cmdout =
'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/guynir/OligoMiner/", line 43, in <module>
from Bio.SeqUtils import MeltingTemp as mt
ImportError: No module named Bio.SeqUtils

Answers (1)

Abhishek Gupta
Abhishek Gupta on 16 Feb 2021




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