How to save gui data in excel

5 views (last 30 days)
How can i save the gui data into excel? and I want it to be save into new row everytime i click the save button. I tried this but it just in same row everytime.
%code code code
%then, in the end:
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 3 Mar 2021
no surprise , as it seems you don't specify the range where to write the data, so xlswrite keeps overwritting in the first row
you have to specify the range : xlswrite(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE)
also xlswrite is outdated, please consider using writetable
nur iman athilah
nur iman athilah on 3 Mar 2021
i changed the code. But why the data didnt save in new row when i click the save button.
xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('colon.xlsx');
xlsheet = xlworkbook.ActiveSheet;
%Determine last row
last=size(data );
xlCurrRange = xlsheet.Range(['A', num2str(newRange),':J', num2str(newRange)]);
xlCurrRange.Value2 = mydata;
%Save and Close the Excel File

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Accepted Answer

Abdulaziz M. Ghaleb
Abdulaziz M. Ghaleb on 3 Mar 2021
First, you need to note that xlswrite is not recommended starting form Matalb 2020a
There are another functions to be used instead, you can check the documentations.
As @Mathieu NOE stated, it is the range and need to be handeled carefully.

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