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Generating training sequences of noises and finding kurtosis and skewness of them

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I am trying to generate training sequences of different noises but I am not confirmed that whether am doing it in a correct way or not.
Here is the code snippet for generating them,
%% for uniform image
% image = uint8(ones([512,512])*128);
A = -30;
B = 30;
matrix_uniform = uint8(A + (B-A)*rand(size(image)));
%for gaussian image
Mean_added = 0;
a = ones(512)*128;
matrix_gaussian = uint8(a + Mean_added+sqrt(Variance_added).*randn(size(a)));
%% for impulse noise
image = ones(512)*128;
matrix_impulse = imnoise(uint8(image),'salt & pepper',.4);
%% for speckle noise
image = ones(512)*128;
matrix_speckle = imnoise(uint8(image),'speckle',.1);
Am I doing it in correct way.
Also how to find their kurtosis and skewness using Matlab, actually I want to get reference kurtosis and skewness to compare with the skewness and kurtosis of noise extracted from the image to check the performance of algorithm.

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Mar 2014
See my image moments demo, where I compute skewness and kurtosis.
(I know this is old, but perhaps someone else will like the demo.)

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