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Runge-Kutta method, cannot produce the correct graphs

8 views (last 30 days)
The code should output, three graphs evaluating the 2nd order Runge-Kutta method for varying step size. However, currently the output is a graph with three horizontal lines, that should be curving upwards and tending towards the actual solution. I am confused as to what i have done wrong, any advice would be great.

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 11 Mar 2021
Edited: James Tursa on 11 Mar 2021
You need to index x in your calculations. E.g.,
q1 = f(x(i),y(i));
q2 = f(x(i)+h, y(i)+h*q1);
You should initialize y(1), not y(2):
y(1) = 1;
And I would set up your indexing and for-loop this way:
x = (2:h:4);
no_points = numel(x);
for i = 1:no_points-1
And plot the entire x and y vectors
James Tursa
James Tursa on 11 Mar 2021
Edited: James Tursa on 11 Mar 2021
You are misunderstanding the meaning of "y(2) = 1" in your instructions. That simply means that when x=2 the corresponding value of y is 1. It does not mean that the index value used for your y vector in your code has to be 2. The index values you use are different from the actual x and y values. In the code I have suggested you have this setup
x(1) = 2
y(1) = 1
That is, when the initial value of x is 2, the corresponding initial value of y is 1. That is what you want. The (1) indexing is just that ... only indexing. It is not the values. Bottom line is that the y(1) = 1 statement is correct and matches your instructions because it is paired with the x(1)=2 value.
Ben Bawtree
Ben Bawtree on 11 Mar 2021
ah thank you! i appreciate you explaining, cheers

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More Answers (2)

William Rose
William Rose on 11 Mar 2021
See attached code. You assigned a value to y(2) initially:
This creates a vector of length 2, where y(1)=0 by default, and y(2)=1. This is kind of strange because i t means y(2) goes with x(1), etc. So I changed that by asisgning a value to y(1):
Then I plotted the x vector versus the y vector after doing the 2nd order RK integration. I changed the outer loop variable from h=[.5 .2 .1] to j=1:3. This allowed me to have a value j that I could use to specify which third of the figure to use for each plot. As a result, I had to define h as a 3 element vector before entering the outer loop. Then, inside the loop, I refer to h(j) wherever I need the value of h.
See code and see plot of results.
%BenBawtreeCode.m WCRose 20210311
clear all; close all; clc;
f = @(x,y) 5*y-3;
%next line creates a vector of length 2 and assigns a value to the second element
%y(2) = 1;
%I think you actualy want to assign a value to first element of y
h=[.5 .2 .1];
for j = 1:3
% define the number of points to be evaluated;
no_points = 2/h(j)+1;
x = (2:h(j):4);
% for i = 2:no_points
for i = 1:no_points-1
% RK2 method
q1 = f(x,y(i));
q2 = f(x+h(j), y(i)+h(j)*q1);
y(i+1) = y(i) + h(j)*0.5*(q1+q2);
disp(['h = ',num2str(h(j)), ', y(4)=', num2str(y(i+1))]);
subplot(3,1,j); %plot in a specific sub-third of the figure
plot(x,y,'ro-'); %plot all the x values versus all the y values
grid on;
title(titlestr); %plot titleh
if j==3, xlabel('X'); end %X axis label on bottom plot
  1 Comment
William Rose
William Rose on 11 Mar 2021
Notice that your function
defines the derivative. Therefore the diffential equation you are solving is
dy/dx = 5y-3.
This is easily solved with standard calculus. The solution is
y(x) = K*exp(5*x)+0.6.
The unknown constant K is determined by applying your knowledge of th initial conditions. IN this case, we know from the code that y=1 when x=2. We use this informaiton to solve for K:
You can add the analytic solution to your plot. You will see that when h gets small (h<=.001), the RK2 solution approaches the analytic solution, which, to repeat, is
y(x) = K*exp(5*x)+0.6.

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William Rose
William Rose on 11 Mar 2021
Edited: William Rose on 11 Mar 2021
This code plots the solutions with different values of h on a single plot, and it adds the analytic solution.
%BenBawtreeCode.m WCRose 20210311
f = @(x,y) 5*y-3; %dy/dx
%Analytic solution to dy/dx=5y-3 is K*exp(5x)+0.6.
%Since y=1 at x=2, it must be that K=0.4/exp(10).
h=[.5 .2 .1 1e-3];
hold on;
plotstylestr=["ro-","go-","bo-","mo-","k.-"]; %We will use this below
for j = 1:length(h)
x = (2:h(j):4);
for i = 1:length(x)-1
% RK2 method
q1 = f(x,y(i));
q2 = f(x+h(j), y(i)+h(j)*q1);
y(i+1) = y(i) + h(j)*0.5*(q1+q2);
disp(['h = ',num2str(h(j)), ', y(x=4)=', num2str(y(i+1))]);
plot(x,y,plotstylestr(j)); %plot all the x values versus all the y values
grid on;
ylabel('Y'); xlabel('X'); %labels on axes
%Make sure next line matches values in h().
Plot generated by code above:


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